Money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.
George Soros
Discount the Obvious is not written by George Soros, it’s written by a guy in San Francisco. My background revolves in banking and tech – ranging from the largest companies in the world, to a Series A startup. I look at companies from the lens of an operator, and my returns have consistently beaten the S&P 500 or Nasdaq.

My investments are ideally held for over 5 years. I only sell when my investing thesis has changed, or if the company has become grossly overvalued. In either scenario, I’ll list the securities I sell and explain why.
My fundamental investing principle is that you cannot make a killing by following the crowd. As George Soros says, “discount the obvious”, and invest when you find something the market has missed. If you are right when everyone else is wrong, you will make an absolute killing.
I’ll write about current events in the marketplace, as well as break down my new investments. As I break them down, I’ll explain the market’s point of view, as well as what the market might be missing.
My goal is to independently analyze the companies and topics I write about.
- I am not paid by any company for any opinion I make
- I only share my investments, I am not making recommendations
- I will always state investments I sell and explain my thesis
Although I have soundly beaten the S&P 500 during my investing career, there’s no guarantee that I will continue that run. Furthermore, my investments have a long holding period, meaning that many of these investments could take years to materialize.
I do not have a crystal ball, and while my performance shows that my timing has been generally successful, there’s no promise this will continue. Stocks can be irrationally valued for years, and while my track record for buying undervalued companies and selling overvalued companies has been solid, I never knew when that correction would happen.
If you look up the wealthiest people in the world, you’ll notice that they are all long term owners of businesses. Likewise, this site will primarily focus on being long term owners of companies. My speculation is minimal.
Final Disclosure
None of my writings and investments are recommendations. I am simply sharing my activity and insights in the most transparent way possible. While my record speaks for itself, no investor is perfect.
Past results don’t guarantee future returns. With that being said, 100% of my net worth is in what I’m writing. My incentives are 100% aligned with my readers and subscribers.
Hopefully you appreciate this transparency. If you are interested in joining my Premium membership, please email me directly. Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for reading Discount The Obvious.
To contact me, please email me directly. I make every effort to respond to readers, and all others as time allows.